Ladislav Svoboda
Ladislav Svoboda (* 1986) shows how a painting that looks very surprising at first glance can bring even more, much more unexpected surprises at second glance. If we do not get lost in the mosaic-like colorful structures, we will gradually begin to recognize figures that until now almost perfectly merged with the surrounding environment, as if using “mimicry”, a protective colouring. Painting has become for Ladislav Svoboda one of the main ways to overcome serious inhibitions to communication with the outside world. Despite Asperger’s Syndrome, he has been able to successfully complete his master’s degree in a college, he writes sci-fi stories, but his paintings are probably the most telling depiction of what he is experiencing. They have an unmistakable style, they are volatile in color, fragmented, seemingly confusing, but at the same time very elaborated and carefully executed to the smallest detail. The need to fill the entire space, known in the history of art as “horror vacui” – the fear of emptiness – is also noticeable.
Among the characters that Svoboda depicts, the heroes of today’s pop culture can often be recognized, for example from comics, computer games or sci-fi movies. At the same time, however, he paints characters from his own texts, for example from the large cycle The First Defense. There are also pictures of favorite pets, portraits of family members or close friends. He originally drew with ink markers on paper, but in recent years he has used acrylic markers and painting canvas. He devotes a lot of time to each of his paintings, usually many weeks, but sometimes months.