Iveta Horvátová
Iveta Horváthová – in recent years she sometimes prefers to use the name Iveta Riminka Fillí – very rarely captures in her drawings the oppressive and dark states she has had to go through since her childhood. Most of the time, she chooses instead bold and luminous colours, which she puts together with a boldness, even exuberance, reminiscent of oriental mosaics or the art of pre-Columbian cultures. This comes out best in her portraits, which usually smile, but at the same time look at us with expressive eyes and subdue us, as is usually the case with ritual masks. Iveta also often draws amorous couples or human figures near large trees making the impression of protection. She shows her distinctive humour when portraying well-known figures of the contemporary political world. Interesting is also the way she rhythms and frames her drawings with various grids, lattices and strips of colour. Iveta confirmed her unmissable place in the context of Czech art brut by being included in the exhibition Art brut – abcd collection in the Stone Bell House in 2006.